Bloc Studios presents SYMBOLS, a series of objects that abstractly represent our philosophy and vision of the way we interpret meaning within life. In time, we will release a series of symbols that explore this notion.
THE SHELL. The product takes inspiration from the origins of where Bloc formally resides. We rests not only among the shaping mountains that contain the very elements that give beauty and thought to Bloc but in proximity lies the Ligurian Sea. This shell is symbolic of that relationship and is something that in nature is not only ancestral but holds meaning and life. The shell when surveyed is a simple yet complex form. The shell’s symbolic meaning equates to the source of life and represents a time to devote to reflection on the nature of bodily, moral, ethical and spiritual feeling.
THE EYE. In the ancient world, the eyes were considered the mirror of the soul, tools for seeing beyond appearances and symbol of spirituality, clairvoyance and intuition.
THE MIRROR. In the collective imagery, the Mirror is an object with ambivalent value, which thanks to its reflection characteristics is often linked to the theme of the double, of knowledge, of vanity and of the alternative universe. The Mirror is one of the selected objects from the collaboration between Ecal and Bloc studios and it was conceived by Julia Caron.